Summit to Summit Awards


The rules are as follows:

1) The award will be scored by taking the sum of the points value of the activated summit and the chased summit

2) The rules for activators will apply to the activated summit score i.e. the summit may be scored only once per calendar year. If subsequent activations take place from the same summit in the calendar year only the chased summit score will count for the award

3) Only the points value of the activated summit will be counted, summer or winter bonuses will not be included as they are already used for activator awards.

4) The rules for chasers will apply to the chased summit i.e. the summit may only be counted for the award once per day.

5) Commencement date 1 February 2013 to allow for modifications to the database to collect the relevant information. S2S prior to this date will not be counted

6) Only cross-matched entries will count for the award. If an activator does not enter their activation into the database, or your S2S contact does not match then it will not be included in the scoring

7) The database will be revised so that summit to summit contacts can be indicated

8) Award qualifying points values are 250, 500, 1000, 2500 and 5000. Additional endorsements will be available for 10000 and upwards.


M0FMF is on Shining Tor in winter (2+3pts) and Tom M1EYP, Jimmy M0HGY and Richard G3CWI are on Gun (1pt)

M0FMF Scores:

M0FMF -> M1EYP 5 Activator, 1 Chaser, 3 S2S

M0FMF -> M0HGY 0,0,0

M0FMF -> G3CWI 0,0,0

repeat activation 1 day later, same scenario:

M0FMF -> M1EYP 0 Activator, 1 Chaser, 1 S2S

M0FMF -> M0HGY 0,0,0

M0FMF -> G3CWI 0,0,0

For the other party on Day 1

M1EYP -> M0FMF 1 Activator, 2 Chaser, 3 S2S

M0HGY -> M0FMF 1 Activator, 2 Chaser, 3 S2S

G3CWI -> M0FMF 1 Activator, 2 Chaser, 3 S2S

Day 2

M1EYP -> M0FMF 0 Activator, 2 Chaser, 2 S2S

M0HGY -> M0FMF 0 Activator, 2 Chaser, 2 S2S

G3CWI -> M0FMF 0 Activator, 2 Chaser, 2 S2S

So M0FMF S2S score for Day 1 is 3 points and for Day 2 is 1 point

If M0FMF were to move from Shining Tor onto The Cloud (1 point) on Day 1 he would score as follows:

M0FMF -> M1EYP 1 Activator, 0 Chaser, 2 S2S

M0FMF -> M0HGY 0,0,0

M0FMF -> G3CWI 0,0,0

For the other party on Day 1

M1EYP -> M0FMF 0 Activator, 1 Chaser, 1 S2S

M0HGY -> M0FMF 0Activator, 1Chaser, 1 S2S

G3CWI -> M0FMF 0 Activator, 1 Chaser, 1 S2S
